Saturday, November 9, 2013

Which are best cities for electric vehicles?

Which cities are Meccas for electric cars?

They're pretty much where you'd expect find them, with a few surprises.

One of the larger companies in public charging, ChargePoint, has looked at which cities have the most electric cars and most public charging stations per capita. The combination makes them a great place to have an electric car. There are more people like you and more places to charge up in a hurry.

"This map represents which cities – residents and businesses – have adopted EV culture and invested in the charging infrastructure,: says Pasquale Romano, CEO of ChargePoint. He says his company is seeing "a push and some friendly competition between cities to become the most EV friendly."

No surprise that the San Francisco area leads the nation in making electric vehicles the norm. But Austin; Detroit and Washington, D.C., also make the list.

In sheer numbers, Los Angeles has the most EV drivers at over 17,000 without per capita considers taken into accout. They they are, San Francisco Bay has the most cars and charging stations per capita.

Here's the list of the best:

1. San Francisco Bay Area, CA

2. Seattle, WA

3. San Diego, CA

4. Austin, TX

5. Honolulu, HI

6. Los Angeles, CA

7. Portland, OR

8. Detroit, MI

9. Washington, DC

10. Boston, MA

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