Activision Blizzard certainly knows how to market Call of Duty. Following blockbuster sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the company has now focused on the MW3 downloadable content.
The latest in the offering is the announcement of nine consecutive months of downloadable content commencing January 24th for the Call of Duty: Elite premium members on Xbox LIVE. [1]
We believe the latest announcement will not just help in increasing Activision�s digital revenues but also also in luring more members to Call of Duty: Elite.
Activision Blizzard competes with other game developers like Electronic Arts, Take-Two Interactive Software and casual gaming mainstays such as Zynga.
See our full analysis for Activision Blizzard here
Call of Duty: Elite�s premium members expected to rise after the announcement
Activision had made its intent clear of expanding in online segment, with the launch of Call of Duty: Elite service in November. The multiplayer service has had a phenomenal response with Call of Duty: Elite attracting over 1 million members within first week of its release.
With the latest release of multiplayer maps Liberation and Piazza exclusively for Call of Duty: Elite�s premium members on XBox LIVE, Activision is looking to attract more gamers towards its mutiplayer service.
Additionally, the company also wants to shunt retailers such as GameStop by directly coming into digital distribution, which should ameliorate the firm�s margins going forward.
We have a $17.58 price estimate for Activision Blizzard, which is roughly 50% above its current market price.
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