Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stock Futures Higher; Gold, Oil Rebound

Stock futures are pointing up, with the S&P500 rising 2.4 for the March contract to 1,062.20 and the Dow Jones Industrials Composite contract for March up 6 to 9,947.

Stocks are getting some help from better-than-expected earnings reports this morning by Hasbro (HAS) and druggist CVS (CVS).

Remember, Friday’s market saw a 10-point jump in the Dow in the last hour, to 10,012.23, and a 3-point jump in the S&P 500, to 1,066.19.

The dollar is slightly weaker from Friday’s closing cross, falling to $1.3670 per Euro versus the $1.3665 of Friday.

The commodity complex is rising, with gold futures for delivery in February up $12 at $1,064 per ounce, and March futures for light sweet crude oil up 17 cents at $71.36 per barrel.

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