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Sunday, June 30, 2013
Microsoft Stock Still Has Problems
Mr. Softy is buzzing these days. Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT ) stock hit a new five-year high earlier this month, and it moved higher this past week on positive developments with its Windows 8.1 update for its flagship operating system.
However, we can't kid ourselves. Microsoft still has a lot of problems. We were reminded on Friday, when Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty slashed her forecast for the PC market this year. She now sees a 10% decline in PC units shipping this quarter, revised lower from her earlier prediction of a mere 5% decline.
Yes, she did consider the generally well-received Windows 8 update from earlier in the week. Folks just aren't buying desktops and laptops the way they used to, and that shines a brighter light on Microsoft's shortcomings in the areas that are growing.
Tablets and smartphones are the computing gadgets that are growing these days, and Microsoft trails Apple's (NASDAQ: AAPL ) iOS and Google's (NASDAQ: GOOG ) Android badly on both fronts.
Being a distant bronze medalist isn't fun. It has to shell out payments to hardware makers to support its devices the way it does with Nokia (NYSE: NOK ) to get its Lumia phones out there. It has to create financial incentives to get developers of the more popular iOS and Android apps to commit to Windows versions of the programs.
Even an area where Microsoft's lead seemed safe in this country -- video games via its Xbox 360 -- is now in question, after some poorly received restrictive features found gamers shifting their support to rival consoles. Microsoft's eventual about-face on that front was the right call, but it still will have to win back the trust of gamers this holiday shopping season.
Microsoft is growing despite all of the headwinds. Analysts see revenue growing 7% in the fiscal year that ends this weekend, and those same pros are targeting 8% top-line growth through the next 12 months. However, these are uneasy growth targets, as so many of the areas where Microsoft dominated have never been this susceptible to disrupting.
Microsoft stock keeps inching higher through the uncertainties. Apple -- despite being far ahead of Microsoft in the smartphone and tablet markets that are still growing -- is trading 44% below last year's highs.
Apple isn't perfect, naturally, but should both stocks be trading for 11 times forward earnings? Google is fetching a loftier 16 times next year's earnings, but it's the top dog in mobile operating systems. Big G is also growing considerably faster than Microsoft.
Don't confuse Microsoft's buoyant share price with fundamentals that are certainly not the best we've seen at the company in the past five years.
Microsoft has problems. Microsoft stock just isn't priced that way.
To be great in tech, you need to beat yourself up
Apple has a history of cranking out revolutionary products ... and then creatively destroying them with something better. Read about the future of Apple in the free report "Apple Will Destroy Its Greatest Product." Can Apple really disrupt its own iPhones and iPads? Find out by clicking here.
Multiple Myeloma, You Soon May Have Met Your Match!
There are few diagnoses in the world that cause as much fear in patients as hearing the word "cancer." Cancer is now the second-leading cause of death in the U.S., trailing only heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While long-term solutions exist for heart disease with regard to the lowering of its biggest risk factors such as high cholesterol and diabetes, cancer treatments -- depending on the type of cancer, of course -- offer far less long-term hope. But, that soon may be about to change.
As I chronicled during the Tackling Cancer series, newer technologies, falling research costs, and revolutionary new medicines are extending the long-term survival rates for multiple cancer types. Prostate cancer is a shining example of how increased education and awareness, as well as better quality medicine, has improved the quality of life and outlook of patients, pushing the five-year survival rate from 68% in 1975-1977 to nearly 100% in 2002-2008.
We've also seen a nice bump higher in multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer that develop by from B cell lymphocytes by overproducing plasma cells and crowding out normal blood-producing cells. The five-year survival rate has jumped from just 25% in 1975-1977 to 43% as of 2002-2008. However, there's still a lot of work left to be done with survival rates of only 43%.
The current standard of treatment
Celgene's (NASDAQ: CELG ) Revlimid is the current shining star of multiple myeloma. Approved in 2006, Revlimid met its primary endpoint of extending time-to-progression when taken with dexamethasone in the first of two studies (median TTP of 37.1 weeks compared to just 19.9 weeks for the dexamethasone control arm). Sales of the drug have really taken off and accounted for $3.8 billion of Celgene's nearly $5.4 billion in product sales in 2012.
The newest treatment on the block is Onyx Pharmaceuticals' (NASDAQ: ONXX ) Kyprolis, which was approved last year as a treatment for multiple myeloma patients who had failed to respond, or stopped responding, to two previous treatments. The accelerated approval of Kyprolis was based on its overall response rate of 22.9%. While it delivered a median response duration of 7.8 months, it also came with a laundry list of side effects, with serious adverse events reported in a whopping 45% of patients.
There could be a new sheriff in town
Although these two drugs offer promise to multiple myeloma patients that did not exist just decades ago, further research is needed to extend the effectiveness of drugs and improve quality of life. One means to that end could be through the exploitation of CD38, an ectoenzyme expressed throughout certain cells of the body, including B lymphocytes. CD38 is highly expressed on the surface of multiple myeloma solid tumors and may aid in their destruction.
Last year, Genmab announced a licensing agreement with Johnson & Johnson's (NYSE: JNJ ) subsidiary Janssen Biotech, which could result in payments and royalties worth as much as $1.1 billion for its CD38 program. The lead drug in that program, daratumumab, received the rare and highly coveted breakthrough therapy designation for double refractory multiple myeloma from the Food and Drug Administration following outstanding phase 1 results in early May. Designed as a treatment following at least three previous therapies, daratumumab delivered a benefit to 47% of patients with a 67% response rate at a dose of just 4 mg/kg.
Just yesterday, Celgene delivered the exciting news that it, too, would be partnering up in an effort to develop multiple myeloma treatments targeted at CD38. In a licensing and milestone deal that could be valued up $818 million, Celgene partnered with MorphoSys on the development of MOR202, a clinical-stage treatment for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Celgene will share costs with MorphoSys on a 2/3 to 1/3 basis and hopes to repeat or better the early success of daratumumab.
CD38-targeted therapies could also have applications well beyond multiple myeloma including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia to name a few.
The one downside, though, to CD38 is that it's also expressed in healthy cells, meaning any treatment targeting CD38 is going to destroy healthy cells and cancerous cells. This creates a pretty tricky dilemma when it comes to dosing options -- too little and it won't eradicate much of the tumor; too much and you could kill a significant number of healthy cells and make the patient even sicker.
There's still quite some time left for CD38 therapies to play out in clinical trials, but from what I've seen so far, these treatments merit a watchful eye, as they could be the future pathway for multiple myeloma care.
It's no secret that biotech stocks have been soaring recently, but the best investment strategy is to pick great companies and stick with them for the long term. The Motley Fool's free report "3 Stocks That Will Help You Retire Rich" not only shares stocks that could help you build long-term wealth, but also winning strategies that every investor should know. Click here to grab your free copy today.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
8 Fascinating Reads
Happy Friday! There are more good news articles, commentaries, and analyst reports on the Web every week than anyone could read in a month. Here are eight fascinating ones I read this week.
Shane Parrish of the blog Farnam Street quotes from the book 30 Lessons for Living, which asked a group of elderly Americans for life advice. Here's what they say about money:
No one -- not a single person out of a thousand -- said that to be happy you should try to work as hard as you can to make money to buy the things you want.
No one -- not a single person -- said it's important to be at least as wealthy as the people around you, and if you have more than they do it's real success.
No one -- not a single person -- said you should choose your work based on your desired future earning power.
Justin Fox says shareholders are spoiled:
Let's get this straight. Big banks that emphasize return to shareholders above all else have been shown to be menaces to society. Yet one of the main responses to the problems banks got into has been to ... reaffirm the primacy of shareholders.
Such is the power of the ideology known as shareholder value. This notion that shareholder interests should reign supreme did not always so deeply infuse American business. It became widely accepted only in the 1990s, and since 2000 it has come under increasing fire from business and legal scholars, and from a few others who ought to know (former General Electric CEO Jack Welch declared in 2009, "Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world"). But in practice -- in the rhetoric of most executives, in how they are paid and evaluated, in the governance reforms that get proposed and occasionally enacted, and in almost every media depiction of corporate conflict-- we seem utterly stuck on the idea that serving shareholders better will make companies work better. It's so simple and intuitive. Simple, intuitive, and most probably wrong -- not just for banks but for all corporations.
Tide goes out
Everyone from banks to households have been loading up on bonds since 2008. Reuters cites a study by the Bank of International Settlements estimating losses now that interest rates are rising:
The BIS said in its annual report that a rise in bond yields of 3 percentage points across the maturity spectrum would inflict losses on U.S. bond investors -- excluding the Federal Reserve -- of more than $1 trillion, or 8 percent of U.S. gross domestic product.
Buy high sell low
Vanguard looked at five years of customer data to see who performed the best. Unsurprisingly, those who did the least earned the highest returns:
Most investors held their own against these benchmarks, although a majority trailed their Target Retirement Fund benchmark slightly. However, investors who exchanged money between funds or into other funds fared considerably worse. The resulting performance gap is a good reminder that a simple, broad-based investment solution can minimize the chances that an investor will make a mistake that can reduce returns.
Less glitter
Izabella Kaminska asks how low gold can go and answers... a lot lower:
On the subject of gold bottoms, some bottom talk is more compelling than others. Campbell Harvey, from Duke University, for example, has been arguing for a while that in real terms the gold price has been overvalued for some time.
So, on the basis that gold really is the inflation hedge some people think it is, its value should currently more about the ... $800 mark.
Everyone relax
After the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC ) plunged last week, Cliff Asness -- one of the sharper investment minds out there -- says everyone needs to calm down:
Asness's advice: Chill out. The investor says the effect of the Fed on the market has been exaggerated. He expects the recent combined rout of stocks and bonds to be over for now. "There is absolutely no reason for this to continue," says Asness. "There is no liquidity crisis or big unwind. This is not 2008."
Some have said that the market is suffering from excess leverage or the fact that Wall Street dealers, because of new rules, are no longer willing to support the bond market. Asness says he sees no evidence of that. He says some bond market are less liquid than usual, but he sees no signs of the type of market turmoil we saw brewing back in 2008. "Markets are functioning well," says Asness.
Above the Market writes a great post on thinking about outcomes:
Yet the real difficulty -- or so it seems to me -- is the typical mind-set of engineers. In my experience, they have particular difficulty dealing with uncertainty. They tend to think that there is "an answer" out there. They aren't often comfortable with probabilistic solutions.
So I was not surprised last week when I heard an engineer talking about an investment strategy available by computer program (of course) created by another engineer that appears to track over 20 years at about 20 percent annualized. That the approach is deemed proprietary gives it the added caché of "hope and exclusivity," which is great for sales but does nothing for performance.
Without knowing the details, I have no doubt (because I have seen many such programs) that the approach was data-mined based upon historical prices and not based upon actual returns.
Here's an interview with billionaire investor Ray Dalio. It's a year old, but worth watching:
Enjoy your weekend.
More from the Motley Fool
Obamacare will undoubtedly have far-reaching effects. The Motley Fool's new free report, "Everything You Need to Know About Obamacare," lets you know how your health insurance, your taxes, and your portfolio could be affected. Click here to read more.
The Dow's Safest Dividends
One remarkable fact about the Dow Jones Industrials (DJINDICES: ^DJI ) is that all 30 of its components pay dividends. But as we saw during the financial crisis, just because a stock pays a dividend now doesn't mean that it will necessarily be able to keep paying that dividend into the future.
Investors can't afford to get stuck with a dividend stock that doesn't deliver on its promise to provide steady income. So with that in mind, let's take a closer look at the stocks in the Dow to see if we can find the ones that are in the best position to keep making their current payouts for years to come.
A healthy dividend
Among Dow stocks, UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH ) leads the way in dividend strength with a ratio of dividends to earnings of just 16% on a trailing basis. That number will go up on a forward basis, simply because UnitedHealth boosted its payout by a whopping 32% earlier this month.
Even with the increase, though, UnitedHealth's 1.8% yield still lags well behind the Dow's 2.5% average. Health-insurance companies historically have tended to hold onto their cash rather than raising payouts, but lately, dividends have been on the rise, and UnitedHealth's actions show just how much investors expect successful companies to share their profits.
Don't leave home without dividends
American Express (NYSE: AXP ) is in much the same position as UnitedHealth, with its 20% payout ratio slated to rise after AmEx's 15% dividend hike at the end of April. AmEx has an even less attractive yield, though, with its new dividend raising its yield to just 1.3%.
AmEx has recovered well from the financial crisis, but what it needs to bolster growth is to attract a wider customer base. With a new prepaid debit card to serve the underbanked population, AmEx could find a whole new set of customers to help it increase its profits even further going forward.
Low dividends are easier to pay
When you look at the rest of the low-payout-ratio list, you'll see similarly conservative dividend practices. Disney (NYSE: DIS ) has just a 22% payout ratio, but its dividend yield is just 1.2%, despite having the huge profit engines of Marvel-based movies and its blockbuster media network to rely on. Similarly, IBM (NYSE: IBM ) has made great strides in the tech industry, diversifying early beyond its former reliance on hardware and scoring much more lucrative high-margin business in other sectors. But even after a recent dividend increase, IBM still yields less than 2%.
For long-term investors, what's more important than current yield is a company's capacity to keep paying dividends at current or growing levels. Those stocks that can do so make good investments for dividend investors.
Keep your eyes open
Of course, these payout ratios are only as good as the earnings that they're based on. Just about every company in the market is vulnerable to some combination of unlikely but still possible events that could lead to income drying up and force dividend cuts. In all likelihood, though, these stocks give you a better chance of avoiding that fate than some of the more dangerous dividend stocks in the market.
If you're looking for some long-term investing ideas, you're invited to check out The Motley Fool's brand-new special report "The 3 Dow Stocks Dividend Investors Need." It's absolutely free, so simply click here now and get your copy today.
Top 5 Logistics Stocks To Own Right Now
Based on the aggregated intelligence of 180,000-plus investors participating in Motley Fool CAPS, the Fool's free investing community, fuel logistics company World Fuel Services (NYSE: INT ) has earned a coveted five-star ranking.
With that in mind, let's take a closer look at World Fuel and see what CAPS investors are saying about the stock right now.
World Fuel facts
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Headquarters (founded) | Miami, Fla. (1984) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Market Cap | $2.9 billion Top 5 Logistics Stocks To Own Right Now: Macdonald Dettwile Com Npv (MDA.TO)MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. provides information solutions that capture and process vast amounts of data, produce essential information, and help in decision making and operational performance of business and government organizations worldwide. The company offers integrated information solutions, which include land-based information systems and services comprising earth observation ground systems, defense information systems, airborne surveillance systems and services, and transportation management systems. It also provides commercial communications satellites; and space missions that include space-based information systems comprising earth observation, satellite communication, and space exploration missions, as well as offers various mission components and support services. In addition, the company provides space subsystems and robotics, as well as satellite composite structures to the United States market; and geospatial services that deliver information pro ducts and services to organizations that need to monitor and manage changes and activities on the earth in markets, such as national security, defense and intelligence, weather, climate and national resource monitoring, oil and gas, and transportation. Further, it offers aerospace and software engineering for the United States government and commercial sectors; and systems and subsystems for commercial space communications and remote sensing. The company provides its information solutions principally to surveillance and intelligence, and communications sectors, as well as conducts a range of customer funded advanced technology development for various other market sectors. MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Richmond, Canada. Top 5 Logistics Stocks To Own Right Now: Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc.(PRAA)Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc., a financial and business service company, engages in the purchase, collection, and management of portfolios of defaulted consumer receivables. It detects, collects, and processes unpaid and normal-course accounts receivables owed primarily to credit grantors, governments, and retailers. The company also acquires receivables of Visa, MasterCard, and other credit cards; private label credit cards; installment loans; lines of credit; bankrupt accounts; deficiency balances of various types; legal judgments, and trade payables from various debt owners, including banks, credit unions, consumer finance companies, telecommunication providers, retailers, utilities, insurance companies, medical groups, hospitals, auto finance companies, and other debt buyers. In addition, it provides fee-based services, including vehicle location, skip tracing, and collateral recovery services for auto lenders, governments, and law enforcement; revenue administra tion, audit, and debt discovery/recovery services for local government entities; and class action claims recovery services and related payment processing services. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia. Top Recreation Companies For 2014: Wide Bay Australia Ltd(WBB.AX)Wide Bay Australia Ltd provides various banking and financial services in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia in Australia. The company primarily engages in raising funds and providing finance for housing. It provides loans, savings and investments, insurance, foreign exchange, and banking services. The company offers various personal and business products and services, which include home loans, lines of credit, credit cards, term deposits, saving and investment products, everyday bank accounts, financial planning services, insurance, travel money and foreign exchange services, business finance, business bank accounts and investment products, point of sale merchant facility, commercial and rural insurance, and travel insurance. It also provides a range of banking products and services comprising branch banking, Internet and phone banking, Cashcard or 'Loan Express' Cashcard, automatic teller machines, electronic funds transfer at the point of sale, B ank@Post, direct debits (outgoing payments), direct credits (incoming payments), periodical (internal) payments, auto-sweep, BPAY and BPAY View, real time gross settlement, cheques, pass books, and statements. Wide Bay Australia Ltd offers its services through a network of 43 branches and agencies located in Queensland, as well as interstate branches in Melbourne and Sydney, and a lending outlet in Adelaide. The company was formerly known as Wide Bay Capricorn Building Society Ltd and changed its name to Wide Bay Australia Ltd in December 2003. Wide Bay Australia Ltd was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in Bundaberg, Australia. Top 5 Logistics Stocks To Own Right Now: Lowe's Companies Inc.(LOW)Lowe's Companies, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a home improvement retailer in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The company offers a range of products for maintenance, repair, remodeling, home decorating, and property maintenance. It provides home improvement products in the categories of appliances, lumber, paint, millwork, building materials, lawn and landscape products, flooring, rough plumbing, seasonal living, tools, hardware, fashion plumbing, lighting, nursery, outdoor power equipment, cabinets and countertops, home organization, rough electrical, and home fashion, as well as boards, panel products, irrigation pipes, vinyl sidings, and ladders. The company also offers installation services through independent contractors in various product categories. Lowe's Companies serves homeowners and renters primarily consisting of do-it-yourself customers and do-it-for-me customers; and commercial business customers, who work in the construction, rep air/remodel, commercial and residential property management, or business maintenance professions. As of August 15, 2011, it operated approximately 1,725 home improvement stores in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The company also offers its products through electronic product catalogs and Lowes.com. Lowe's Companies, Inc. was founded in 1952 and is based in Mooresville, North Carolina. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 5 Logistics Stocks To Own Right Now: Warner Est Hdg(WNER.L)Warner Estate Holdings PLC engages in the property investment and asset management activities in the United Kingdom. Its investment property comprises freehold land, freehold buildings, land held under operating leases, and buildings held under finance leases. The company also involves in fund management, portfolio investments, and development businesses. Warner Estate Holdings is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom. Friday, June 28, 2013Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right NowSilver Wheaton (NYSE: SLW ) is expected to report Q1 earnings on May 10. Here's what Wall Street wants to see: The 10-second takeaway The average estimate for revenue is $243.4 million. On the bottom line, the average EPS estimate is $0.40. Revenue details Source: S&P Capital IQ. Quarterly periods. Dollar amounts in millions. Non-GAAP figures may vary to maintain comparability with estimates. Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right Now: CNO Financial Group Inc. (CNO)CNO Financial Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the development, marketing, and administration of health insurance, annuity, individual life insurance, and other insurance products for senior and middle-income markets in the United States. The company markets and distributes Medicare supplement insurance, interest-sensitive and traditional life insurance, fixed annuities, and long-term care insurance products; Medicare advantage plans through a distribution arrangement with Humana Inc.; and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans through a distribution and reinsurance arrangement with Coventry Health Care. It also markets and distributes supplemental health, including specified disease, accident, and hospital indemnity insurance products; and life insurance to middle-income consumers at home and the worksite through independent marketing organizations and insurance agencies. In addition, the company markets primarily graded benefit and simplified issue life insurance products directly to customers through television advertising, direct mail, Internet, and telemarketing. It sells its products through career agents, independent producers, direct marketing, and sales managers. CNO Financial Group, Inc. has strategic alliances with Coventry and Humana. The company was formerly known as Conseco, Inc. and changed its name to CNO Financial Group, Inc. in May 2010. CNO Financial Group, Inc. was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Carmel, Indiana. Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right Now: Stamps.com Inc.(STMP)Stamps.com Inc. provides Internet-based postage solutions. The company offers solutions to mail and ship various mail pieces, including postcards, envelopes, flats, and packages. Its products and services include the United States Postal Service (USPS)-approved PC Postage Service that enables users to print electronic stamps directly onto envelopes, plain paper, or labels using personal computer, printer, and Internet connection; and PhotoStamps, a patented form of postage, which allows consumers to turn digital photos, designs, or images into valid United States postage. The company also sells NetStamps labels, shipping labels, other mailing labels, postage printers, scales, and other mailing and shipping-focused office supplies through its mailing and shipping supplies store, as well as offers back-end integration solutions, an electronic postage for transactions to manage the front-end process. In addition, it offers Stamps.com branded insurance enabling users to insure their mail or packages; and official USPS package insurance. Stamps.com Inc. serves individuals, small businesses, home offices, medium-size businesses, and large enterprises. The company was formerly known as StampMaster, Inc. and changed its name to Stamps.com Inc. in December 1998. Stamps.com Inc. was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Top 5 Prefered Companies To Invest In 2014: Watts Water Technologies Inc.(WTS)Watts Water Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells water safety and flow control products for the water quality, water conservation, water safety, and water flow control markets in North America, Europe, and Asia. It provides residential and commercial flow control products, such as backflow preventers, water pressure regulators, temperature and pressure relief valves, and thermostatic mixing valves for plumbing and hot water applications. The company also offers HVAC and gas products, including hydronic and electric heating systems for under-floor radiant applications; hydronic pump groups for boiler manufacturers and alternative energy control packages; and flexible stainless steel connectors for natural and liquid propane gas in commercial food service and residential applications. In addition, it provides drains and water re-use products, which include drainage products and engineered rain water harvesting solutions for commercial, industrial, marine, and residential applications; and water quality products comprising point-of-use and point-of-entry water filtration, conditioning, and scale prevention systems for commercial and residential applications. The company sells its products to plumbing, heating, and mechanical wholesale distributors, as well as to do-it-yourself chains (DIY) through manufacturer?s representatives. It also sells its products to residential construction, and home repair and remodeling industries through DIY plumbing retailers, national catalog distribution companies, hardware stores, building material outlets, retail home center chains, and plumbing and heating wholesalers; and directly to wholesalers, original equipment manufacturers, and private label accounts. Watts Water Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1874 and is headquartered in North Andover, Massachusetts. Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right Now: RadNet Inc.(RDNT)RadNet, Inc. provides outpatient diagnostic imaging services in the United States. The company offers various imaging services, including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, nuclear medicine, mammography, ultrasound, diagnostic radiology (X-ray), fluoroscopy, and other related procedures. It also provides teleradiology services to radiology groups, hospitals, and imaging centers. In addition, the company offers picture archiving and communications systems and related workflow solutions for hospitals, teleradiology businesses, imaging centers, and specialty physician groups to distribute, visualize, store, and retrieve digital images taken from various diagnostic imaging modalities. As of December 31, 2011, it operated 233 diagnostic imaging facilities in California, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Florida, and New York. RadNet, Inc. was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right Now: (ARM)ARM Holdings plc, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the design of microprocessors, physical IP, and related technology and software; and sale of development tools to enhance the performance of high-volume embedded applications. Its products include microprocessors cores, such as specific functions comprising video and graphics IP, fabric IP, embedded software, and configurable digital signal processing IP; physical IP components for the design and manufacture of integrated circuits, which comprise embedded memory, standard cell, and input/output components; software development tools that help software design engineers in the design and deployment of code, from applications running on open operating systems to low-level firmware. The company also offers support, maintenance, and training services, as well as design consulting services. ARM Holdings plc licenses and sells its technology and products to electronics companies, which in turn manufacture, market, and s ell microprocessors, application-specific integrated circuits, and application-specific standard processors to systems companies for incorporation into various end products, as well as licenses and sells development tools directly to systems companies and provides support services to licensees, systems companies, and other systems designers. It operates in Europe, the United States, and the Asia Pacific. The company was formerly known as Advanced RISC Machines Holdings Limited and changed its name to ARM Holdings plc in March 1998. ARM Holdings plc was founded in 1990 and is based in Cambridge, the United Kingdom. Top Up And Coming Companies To Invest In Right Now: Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.(CMG)Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. develops and operates fast-casual, fresh Mexican food restaurants in the United States, Canada, and England. Its restaurants primarily offer burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, and salads. As of December 31, 2011, it operated 1,230 restaurants, which includes 1 ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. was founded in 1993 and is based in Denver, Colorado. Advisors' Opinion:
Retirement Planning: The Dangers of False OptimismThree weeks ago, I wrote an article about investment assumptions that financial guru Dave Ramsey encourages his readers to make. Specifically, I took issue with the fact that Mr. Ramsey was telling followers to assume they could earn consistent 12% returns over a 40-year time frame; I called it "dangerous" to preach such a message. One day later, I ended up appearing on Mr. Ramsey's radio show. That visit, combined with time digging into Mr. Ramsey's assumptions, has led me to write this follow up. Below, I want to provide you with information that I think is crucial to understanding what history has taught us. My goal is to allow you readers to carefully weigh the facts, and make decisions that are in your own best interest. Mr. Ramsey's 12% number doesn't stand up But several sources have repeatedly demonstrated that average annual returns are worthless when trying to figure out an investment's historical rate of return. Instead, the compound annual growth rate (aka CAGR or annualized return) is the only reliable number to use. The CAGR of the S&P 500 since 1926 is actually 9.87%. This is why I refer to Mr. Ramsey's projections as "false optimism:" He is taking a number (average annual return), and plugging it into a calculation (projected returns over a 40-year timeline) that it was never meant to be used in. Mr. Ramsey admitted that the criticism of CAGR vs. average annual returns was "fair," and also stated that his 12% number was used for "educational" and "illustrative" purposes. But when asked why he didn't simply use the more accurate 9.87% number, he said, "Because it's my show!" In the end, he said I was "splitting hairs," and simply trying to smear his name. Numbers don't lie -- this advice could leave you retired and broke That 8% figure is twice as high as the industry standard of 4% withdrawals. Where does the 8% figure come from? Mr. Ramsey says: "If you make 12 percent and only pull out 8 percent, you grow your nest egg by 4 percent per year. That 4 percent keeps your nest egg, and therefore your income, ahead of inflation 'til death do you part." In other words, the withdrawals Mr. Ramsey suggests are based squarely on this 12% assumption of returns, and having 100% of your nest egg in stocks while you are retired. In the real world, these are incredibly risky assumptions. Want proof? If you retired in 2000, using Mr. Ramsey's withdrawal recommendations, you would have been broke by 2009! Full stop. Read that again to digest it. Although the example below uses a $375,000 nest egg and a $30,000 initial withdrawal (because that's the example Mr. Ramsey uses on page 160 of his book), you could plug in any number for the nest egg and, as long as the initial withdrawal is at 8%, you'd still be broke in nine years.
Sources: S&P 500 returns include dividends reinvested, via Moneychimp.com. Average inflation rates per decade from inflationdata.com. A quick look at the data will show you that if you had, instead, taken a much more prudent 4% return, you would still have over 43% of your nest egg intact, despite pretty awful market conditions. And remember, I'm not saying $15,000 per year is enough to live on --no matter what your starting nest egg was, you'd have about 43% of it left following the 4% withdrawal plan.
Sources: S&P 500 returns include dividends reinvested, via Moneychimp.com. Average inflation rates per decade from inflationdata.com. Of course, it would be easy to retort that we are just cherry-picking the data to make Mr. Ramsey's plan look bad. However, the truth of the matter is that this would have occurred with alarming frequency. If you wanted to retire at 65 and have your money last until you were 90 -- and your returns matched the S&P 500's -- you would have run out of money early if you retired in 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1977. And, even though you wouldn't be 90 years old yet, you would have also run out of money if you retired in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. And you'd be dangerously close to running out of money if you retired in 1997 or 2002. All in all, you would have run out of money early in 34 out of 84 of these years. If you only include the situations where retirees have lived to be 90 years old (for instance, we wouldn't include 2012, because we have no idea what the next 39 years hold), then the failure rate for Mr. Ramsey's plan is about 50%! Think about it: Following this advice gives you a 50/50 chance of being broke before age 90. And what if you had opted for the traditional 4% withdrawal rule? You would have run out of money if -- and only if -- you retired between 1928 and 1930, just at the start of the Great Depression. If you'd like to look at all of the numbers yourself, they are available here, on two different tabs (one for Mr. Ramsey's plan, one for the standard 4% plan). Remember, the exact years aren't all that important. What's important is that we have a whole body of history that shows what kind of returns have led us to what we have today. We can't predict the future with any degree of certainty, so the best we can do is use the past as a proxy -- in much the same way Mr. Ramsey gets his erroneous 12% figure. What this means for you But when it comes to investing, saving for college, and retirement planning, I suggest educating yourself, or finding a fee-only advisor to help you with the process. Social Security plays a key role in your financial security, and with millions of Americans relying primarily on the government program for their retirement income, it's more important than ever for you to make the most of the Social Security benefits you have coming to you. In our brand-new free report, "Make Social Security Work Harder For You," our retirement experts give their insight on making the key decisions that will help you boost your monthly benefits, and ensure a more comfortable retirement for you and your family. The report is absolutely free, so click here to get your copy today. Paula Deen Cooks Up Controversy With Corporate BackersThe trickle has become a torrent. Companies that previously fell over themselves to be part of the Paula Deen cooking empire are scrambling for the exits after she admitted to uttering a single racial pejorative more than 30 years ago. What started with the Food Network not renewing her TV show contract has now turned into a complete rout, with major corporations including Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT ) , Target, Home Depot, and Novo Nordisk (NYSE: NVO ) all dropping their association with her. Companies, of course, want to protect their image, and being associated with racism would do them no good. They understand they won't be harmed for cutting their ties, whether the charge is true or not, because consumers won't stop using their products or shopping at the stores because of it. But if they stay and it comes out that the epithets were more pervasive than we've been told, they'll feel the taint of the charge as well. Yet in the wake of the brouhaha, it seems the companies may have misjudged what the public feels about this "scandal." Preorders for Deen's new cookbook have surged to the top of the best-sellers list at Amazon.com and her annual cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas ship reports a response so overwhelming that an extra departure next year has been added (Deen does not have a relationship with the cruise line; it's booked through a travel agency). Now, I'm not much of a fan of Ms. Deen's cooking style (though I did make a red snapper recipe of hers the other day that wasn't bad) but it seems a bit over the top for companies to be turning the cooking queen into a pariah. After all, Paula Deen has embraced Michelle Obama and has been embraced by Oprah Winfrey, the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and actress Stacey Dash. She brought the Neely cooking team to the Food Network and created lots of employment opportunities for black men and women. Hardly seems the way a racist would cook up a plot. Yet it's also not much different from how corporations handled the contretemps associated with Tiger Woods' infidelity. Although Nike was willing to stand by the golfing great through his marital problems, Accenture ran away, as did AT&T, PepsiCo's Gatorade, and watchmaker Tag Heuer. Even so, companies are willing to turn a blind eye when it suits them to some of the baser elements of society, such as Reebok trying to give its sneakers "street cred" by signing on rapper Rick Ross, only to be shocked -- shocked! -- when his lyrics embodied the misogyny the whole genre is infamous for. There is a price companies do pay for dropping a celebrity endorser, and Advertising Age notes that Wal-Mart's indoor living division, where product lines are heavily tilted in Deen's direction, was one of the few bright spots in the retailer's last quarter, posting positive comps last month. Novo Nordisk also enjoyed a 35% increase in revenues to nearly $500 million on its diabetes drug Victoza last quarter, presumably partly as a result of its association with Deen, who became a spokeswoman for the drug after she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Some estimates suggest Deen generated nearly $100 million a year across her portfolio of TV shows, books, and cookware, and Forbes ranked her as the fourth-highest-earning celebrity chef in 2012. But as we've seen time and again, as long as companies choose to develop relationships with celebrities who live in the public eye, we're going to have these recurring scandals, manufactured or not. Whereas some companies like Nike go out of their way to court controversy, others are thrust into the spotlight. And then there are those like Paula Deen's partners, who make themselves part of the story by feeding the frenzy that surrounds it. They just shouldn't be shocked when it happens to them again next time. The retail space is in the midst of the biggest paradigm shift since mail order took off at the turn of last century. Only those most forward-looking and capable companies will survive, and they'll handsomely reward those investors who understand the landscape. You can read about the 3 Companies Ready to Rule Retail in The Motley Fool's special report. Uncovering these top picks is free today; just click here to read more. President Obama Needs This Industry to SurviveLast year's election featured a pretty heated debate on the future of coal in America. Many living in the Pittsburgh area, where I reside, weren't too happy with President Obama's attitude toward coal, as evidenced by the yard signs. With so many jobs tied to its production, they simply wanted the war against coal to end so that the high-paying jobs that it produced would stay in the region. While coal producers are feeling the pinch and the coal industry has been a job killer in terms of domestic consumption, there is some hope. Coal exporst have been booming. In fact, exports have more than doubled since 2008 and growth in coal exports are only expected to grow in the future thanks to demand overseas as well as the availability of additional export capacity. As it turns out the coal export market is really carrying a lot of weight these days for one of President Obama's initiatives, the National Export Initiative. That initiative's goal was to renew and revitalize our efforts as a nation to promote and increase our exports around the world. Coal companies have taken full advantage of both demand overseas and our nation's increasingly pro-export stance. In fact, just this past February, the Bipartison Policy Center recommended that coal exports not be restricted because of the net economic benefits exports produced. Not only is that great for U.S.-based coal producers but it's huge for jobs. According to Ernst & Young, exporting coal creates high value jobs with wages that are on average $96,100 per year. For perspective, the average U.S. worker rakes in about $64,000 per year. One thing job seekers should note is that many coal producers are finding it more difficult to find the skilled employees needed to replace its current workforce as it nears retirement. That could signal that wages will head even higher in the future. Overall, coal exports contributed about 141,270 jobs to the U.S. economy in 2011. This included about 39,350 direct jobs at mines, transportation companies, and at our ports as well as over 100,000 indirect jobs. It's believed that for every million tons of coal we export the industry requires about 1,320 jobs. For Pennsylvania, where I live, it's estimated that coal exports contribute about 12,500 jobs to the economy as well as about $1.5 billion in economic value. These jobs are found at major Pittsburgh-based employers like CONSOL Energy (NYSE: CNX ) which is the largest producer of coal east of the Mississippi River. In Pennsylvania alone the company supports 2,635 employees in both its gas and coal businesses, some of which are employed to support the 10.3 million tons of coal that the company exports. ![]() Source: CONSOL Energy Just for some additional perspective on how important coal is to the economy we'll take a look just a little farther south in West Virginia. In that state, Alpha Natural Resources (NYSE: ANR ) has about 6,700 employees but its coal business supports about 23,450 total jobs. The average worker in West Virginia takes in about $38,000 per year, whereas the average coal industry employee takes home $85,000 per year. Coal exports are a big economic driver for the state by supporting nearly 24,000 jobs and contributing $3 billion in economic value. Not only do coal exports benefit coal producing states, but they are a big economic driver and job creator for states that export coal globally. Consider Virginia, which has a major coal export facility in Norfolk operated by the Dominion Terminal Associates. That entity, which is owned Alpha Natural Resources, Peabody (NYSE: BTU ) , and Arch Coal (NYSE: ACI ) , as well as others like it, help to contribute more than 19,000 jobs to the state as well as $2.5 billion in economic value. It's really a win-win situation, as coal producers have a market for their coal while the states gain high-paying jobs. For additional color consider South Carolina which only has 700 jobs related to coal export, which produced just $56 million in related economic value for its economy. That state, which has the bustling port of Charleston, could see a big increase in coal-related jobs and economic value if Kinder Morgan Partners (NYSE: KMP ) moves ahead with its plan to add coal export capabilities at its existing bulk facility at the port. The company is already spending over $450 million to expand its coal export capabilities elsewhere because demand for export capacity is high. As you can see, the coal industry, despite not being as green as we'd like, is still critical to our nation's economic engine. It's sometimes the forgotten fossil fuel in "America's Energy Resurgence", considering the amount of press that oil and natural gas from shale get. However, we can't forget about the fact that the U.S. possesses the largest estimated recoverable coal reserves in the world. Exporting our excess coal has the potential to be a big economic driver and job creator, which is why President Obama really needs this industry to survive. The coal industry in the United States has been in a state of flux since the arrival of a cheaper alternative for energy production: natural gas. Exports are becoming a much bigger part of the domestic coal landscape, and Peabody Energy has deals in place to get its cheaper coal from the Powder River and Illinois basins to India, China, and the EU. For investors looking to capitalize on a rebound in the U.S. coal market, The Motley Fool has authored a special new premium report detailing exactly why Peabody Energy is perhaps most worthy of your consideration. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource -- simply click here now to claim your copy today. Thursday, June 27, 20131 More Way That Apple's Bond Move Was Simply PerfectThere's no doubt that Apple's use of debt has drawn as much criticism as it has praise. At the end of April, Apple opted to dive into the historically cheap debt markets rather than tap into its massive cash balances overseas. This bold move drew the ire of many, including the U.S. Senate, who asked Apple CEO Tim Cook to testify on Capitol Hill in the wake of the announcement. As the weeks go on since the issuance, it's becoming increasingly clear that Apple's use of debt was a bright idea. As the bond market has subsequently headed south, it's now clear Apple investors saved some serious cash as a result of its gutsy call. Just how much exactly? Fool contributor Andrew Tonner tells investors in the video below. It's incredible to think just how much of our digital and technological lives are almost entirely shaped and molded by just a handful of companies. Find out "Who Will Win the War Between the 5 Biggest Tech Stocks?" in The Motley Fool's latest free report, which details the knock-down, drag-out battle being waged by the five kings of tech. Click here to keep reading. Wednesday, June 26, 2013AkzoNobel Divesting German Paint StoresIn a move designed to strengthen the performance of its German decorative paints business, Netherlands-based paint giant AkzoNobel (NASDAQOTH: AKZOY ) announced today that it is divesting to independent distributors that country's paints stores for professionals. The company currently operates 72 stores in Germany that sell professional paint and third-party products. The new setup is intended to allow the paint maker to select the most efficient distribution channels for its professional paint products, rather than operating its own stores. Instead, it will focus its activities on the distribution and marketing of paint under brands such as Sikkens, Herbol, and Consolan. Ruud Joosten, AkzoNobel executive committee member, decorative paints, said: "We are changing the marketing strategy of our German decorative paints business to focus on our key organizational strengths of marketing and distributing our strong paint brands. This is part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen both our organizational efficiency and our profitability in Germany." While saying it remains committed to the German market, the paint company also said it's reviewing its office footprint in the country. Werner Fuhrmann, the executive committee member responsible for specialty chemicals and Germany, said: "These improvements are intended to reduce complexity and further improve the operational efficiency of our German activities. They will boost our competitiveness and help us to greater success for our businesses in Germany going forward." In total, AkzoNobel's decorative paints, performance coatings, and specialty chemicals businesses have 3,900 employees in Germany, along with 17 manufacturing plants and eight offices. They generated revenues last year of close to 1.3 billion euros in the country. Here's What This $17 Billion Hedge Fund Company Has Been BuyingEvery quarter, many money managers have to disclose what they've bought and sold, via "13F" filings. Their latest moves can shine a bright light on smart stock picks. Today, let's look at Viking Global Investors, founded in 1999 by Andreas Halvorsen and David Ott, who had previously worked together at Julian Robertson's respected Tiger Management firm. Viking is known as a long-short global equity fund, meaning that it aims to maintain long positions in companies on which it's bullish and short positions in those where it's bearish. The company's reportable stock portfolio totaled $16.7 billion in value as of March 31, 2013. Interesting developments The biggest new holdings are Boeing and cement giant Cemex. Other new holdings of interest include Sarepta Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SRPT ) and National Oilwell Varco (NYSE: NOV ) . Sarepta stock has soared more than tenfold over the past year. After the company petitioned the FDA for accelerated approval for its Duchenne muscular dystrophy drug, eteplirsen, the FDA requested more information, sending shares lower. But management is optimistic about its recent interactions with the FDA, and new data reported this week was encouraging. Some see the stock as reasonably or attractively valued, but there are risks to consider. National Oilwell Varco, a leader in oil and gas drilling and oil-field services equipment, has been a strong performer, averaging stock growth of 20% annually over the past decade and up about 13% over the past year. There's much to like about the company, such as its record backlog of nearly $13 billion and its operations in productive shale fields. The previously unimpressive dividend has been doubled , and now yields about 1.5%, with more room to grow. The drilling specialist has even been providing thousands of pumping stations to areas where people are living without sufficient access to clean water. National Oilwell Varco's stock has many fans who expect improved performance soon, but analysts at Zacks recently downgraded the stock to a strong sell rating due to weak first-quarter results. Among holdings in which Viking Global increased its stake was Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG ) , a specialist in robotic surgical equipment. The company has had a bumpy year, thanks to bearish comments from a research firm and questions about the efficacy of its systems. Some legal worries were eased recently, with a victory in court. While some wonder whether the company's growth prospects are slowing down, others love Intuitive's competitive advantages and dominance in its promising market. It has been posting double-digit revenue and earnings growth rates for quite a while and has a forward P/E ratio near 23, which is not exactly nosebleed territory. Viking Global reduced its stake in lots of companies, including Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM ) , a top player in the smartphone world, supplying iDevices and Android devices alike with its chips. Some promising moves by the company are its push into emerging markets and display technology, as well as its attention to the health-care industry and telemedicine. Qualcomm recently hiked its dividend by 40%, and its yield is now at 2.3%. Better still, its profit margins are fat, it's generating gobs of cash, and its revenue and earnings growth rates have been in the double digits for years now and have even been accelerating. Finally, Viking's biggest closed positions included News Corp. and Schlumberger. Other closed positions of interest include India-based ICICI Bank (NYSE: IBN ) . In April, the bank reported double-digit profit increases and rising ROE, and it recently yielded 2%. Analysts at Zacks downgraded the bank earlier this month, though, citing deterioration of its credit quality and expected steep operating expenses. ICICI is a major lender in India and is growing briskly there, and is expanding abroad, targeting even China. Its stock is up about 29% over the past year and has averaged 20.5% annually over the past decade. We should never blindly copy any investor's moves, no matter how talented the investor. But it can be useful to keep an eye on what smart folks are doing. 13-F forms can be great places to find intriguing candidates for our portfolios. China is already the world's largest auto market -- and it's set to grow even bigger in coming years. A recent Motley Fool report, "2 Automakers to Buy for a Surging Chinese Market," names two global giants poised to reap big gains that could drive big rewards for investors. You can read this report right now for free -- just click here for instant access. Top Healthcare Technology Stocks To Watch For 2014After a mini-flash crash just after 1 p.m. EDT, stocks continued higher today, driven by a few strong earnings reports. The mini-crash occurred after hackers apparently got into the Associated Press' Twitter account and tweeted about a terror attack on the White House. Traders soon came to their senses, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI ) is up 0.98% late in trading, while the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC ) is pushing 0.95% higher.� Travelers (NYSE: TRV ) is up 2.1% after its first-quarter net income rose 11% to $896 million. On a per-share basis, that's $2.33 -- well above the $2.02 average estimate from analysts. The company is increasing premiums on customers to offset more frequent natural disasters and low interest rates, and the effects are now showing up on the bottom line. It doesn't hurt that catastrophe costs -- a figure that can turn at the drop of a hat -- were down 45% to $65 million this quarter. Overall, Travelers' strategy is working, and investors are buying the strong quarter today.� Top Healthcare Technology Stocks To Watch For 2014: Internap Network Services Corporation(INAP)Internap Network Services Corporation provides information technology (IT) infrastructure services. The company operates through two segments, Data Center Services and IP Services. The Data Center Services segment provides colocation services, which include physical space for hosting customers? IT infrastructure network and other equipment, as well as offers associated services, such as redundant power and network connectivity, environmental controls, and security. This segment also offers managed hosting services that enable its customers to own and manage the software applications and content, as well as provides and maintains the hardware, operating system, collocation, and bandwidth. The IP services segment provides patented performance Internet protocol (IP) service; XIP acceleration-as-a-service solution; and flow control platform, a premise-based intelligent routing hardware product for customers, who run their own multiple network architectures, known as multi-homi ng. In addition, this segment offers content delivery network services that enable its customers to stream and distribute media and content, such as video, audio software, and applications to audiences through points of presence, as well as offers capacity-on-demand services to handle events and unanticipated traffic spikes. Internap Network Services Corporation provides its services and products through 76 IP service points, which include 20 CDN POPs and 1 standalone CDN POP, as well as through 37 data centers across North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. It serves the entertainment and media, financial services, business services, software, hosting and information technology infrastructure, and telecommunications industries. The company was founded in 1996 and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Advisors' Opinion:
Top Healthcare Technology Stocks To Watch For 2014: Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc.(MNTA)Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology company, specializes in the characterization and process engineering of complex molecules. These complex molecules include proteins; polypeptides; and cell surface polysaccharides, such as heparan-sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). The company applies its technology for the development and commercialization of generic versions of complex drug products, as well as for the discovery and development of novel drugs. It offers Enoxaparin sodium injection, a generic version of Lovenox to prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis, and to support the treatment of acute coronary syndromes. The company?s products also include M356, an abbreviated new drug application under FDA review, is a generic version of Copaxone for the reduction of the frequency of relapses in patients with relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis; M118, which completed a Phase IIa clinical trial as an anticoagulant for acute coronary syndromes; and M402, a novel HSPG-based product candidate that is in preclinical development as a potential anti-cancer agent. It has collaboration agreements with Sandoz AG and Sandoz Inc. to develop and commercialize Enoxaparin sodium injection. The company was formerly known as Mimeon, Inc. and changed its name to Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in September 2002. Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was founded in 2001 and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Best International Companies For 2014: Solarvest Bioenergy Inc (SVS.V)Solarvest BioEnergy Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the research and development of alternate energy. The company focuses on the development of sustainable and renewable energy sources. Its technology provides a controlled method for turning on and off genes in algae resulting in the continuous production of hydrogen gas. Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. is based in Vancouver, Canada. Top Healthcare Technology Stocks To Watch For 2014: Mallett(MAE.L)Mallett plc operates as an antiques dealer primarily in the United Kingdom and the United States. The company involves in restoration and dealing in antique furniture and works of art; and designing and manufacturing contemporary furniture and works of art. Its products include furniture products, such as cabinet furniture, fire wares, mirrors, seating, and tables and desks; pictures comprising oil and watercolor paints, as well as oriental and photography products; lightings, which consists of candlesticks, chandeliers, lamps, lanterns, and wall lights; modern products, such as coffee tables, lighting, and two tier tables; and textiles comprising needlework, and rugs and carpets. The company also offers various other objects, including ceramic, clocks and scientific, glass, ivory and tortoiseshell, and metalware products. It sells its products to private individuals and museums. The company was founded in 1865 and is based in London, the United Kingdom. Top Healthcare Technology Stocks To Watch For 2014: Schlumberger N.V.(SLB)Schlumberger Limited, together with its subsidiaries, supplies technology, integrated project management, and information solutions to the oil and gas exploration and production industries worldwide. The company?s Oilfield Services segment provides exploration and production services; wireline technology that offers open-hole and cased-hole services; supplies engineering support, directional-drilling, measurement-while-drilling, and logging-while-drilling services; and testing services. This segment also offers well services; supplies well completion services and equipment; artificial lift; data and consulting services; geo services; and information solutions, such as consulting, software, information management system, and IT infrastructure services that support oil and gas industry. Its WesternGeco segment provides reservoir imaging, monitoring, and development services; and operates data processing centers and multiclient seismic library. This segment also offers variou s services include 3D and time-lapse (4D) seismic surveys to multi-component surveys for delineating prospects and reservoir management. The company?s M-I SWACO segment supplies drilling fluid systems to improve drilling performance; fluid systems and specialty tools to optimize wellbore productivity; production technology solutions to maximize production rates; and environmental solutions that manages waste volumes generated in drilling and production operations. Its Smith Oilfield segment designs, manufactures, and markets drill bits and borehole enlargement tools; and supplies drilling tools and services, tubular, completion services, and other related downhole solutions. The company?s Distribution segment markets pipes, valves, and fittings, as well as mill, safety, and other maintenance products. This segment also provides warehouse management, vendor integration, and inventory management services. Schlumberger Limited was founded in 1927 and is based in Houston, Texas. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right NowIn the following video, Motley Fool contributor John Reeves takes a close look at Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX ) to highlight for investors some of the reasons that this stock has been the top performer in the S&P 500 so far this year. John takes a look at Netflix's subscriber base and utilization, and compares it with some of the competition the company faces. Also, John takes a look at the number two and three performers in the S&P year to date, Best Buy (NYSE: BBY ) and Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD ) . The tumultuous performance of Netflix shares since the summer of 2011 has caused headaches for many devoted shareholders. While the company's first-mover status is often viewed as a competitive advantage, the opportunities in streaming media have brought some new, deep-pocketed rivals looking for their piece of a growing pie. Can Netflix fend off this burgeoning competition, and will its international growth aspirations really pay off? These are must-know issues for investors, which is why The Motley Fool has released a premium report on Netflix. Inside, you'll learn about the key opportunities and risks facing the company, as well as reasons to buy or sell the stock. The report includes a full year of updates to cover critical new developments, so make sure to click here and claim a copy today. Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Charter Communications Inc.(CHTR)Charter Communications, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides entertainment, information, and communications solutions to residential and commercial customers in the United States. The company offers cable video programming services, such as basic and digital video, premium channels, OnDemand, pay-per-view, high definition television, digital video recorder, and online video services; Internet services; Charter.net, which provides multiple e-mail addresses, as well as various entertainment, games, news, and sports content; and telephone services. It also provides broadband communications solutions, such as Internet access, data networking, fiber connectivity to cellular towers and office buildings, video entertainment services, and business telephone services under the Charter Business brand name to business and carrier organizations. As of December 31, 2011, the company served approximately 4.1 million video customers; approximately 3.5 million Internet customers; appr oximately 1.7 million telephone customers; and approximately 476,200 commercial primary service units. Charter Communications, Inc. was founded in 1999 and is based in St. Louis, Missouri. Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Time Warner Cable Inc(TWC)Time Warner Cable Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a cable operator in the United States. It offers video, high-speed data, and voice services over its broadband cable systems to residential and commercial customers. The company provides a range of video services, including on-demand, high-definition (HD), and digital video recorder (DVR) services; residential high-speed data services with connection to the Internet; wireless mobile broadband Internet services; and digital phone services to residential customers. It offers video programming tiers and music services; high-speed data, networking, and transport services; and commercial digital phone service to small and medium-sized businesses under the Time Warner Cable Business Class brand. Further, Time Warner Cable Inc. sells advertising to various national, regional, and local customers. As of June 30, 2011, the company served approximately 14.5 million residential and commercial customers in the New Yor k State, the Carolinas, Ohio, southern California, and Texas. Time Warner Cable Inc. is based in New York, New York. Advisors' Opinion:
Hot Telecom Stocks To Watch For 2014: News Corporation(NWSA)News Corporation operates as a diversified media company worldwide. Its Cable Network Programming segment produces and licenses news, business news, sports, general entertainment, and movie programming for distribution through cable television systems and direct broadcast satellite operators primarily in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. The company?s Filmed Entertainment segment produces and acquires live-action and animated motion pictures for distribution and licensing in entertainment media, as well as produces and licenses television programming worldwide. Its Television segment operates 27 broadcast television stations in the United States. The company?s Direct Broadcast Satellite Television segment distributes programming services via satellite and broadband directly to subscribers in Italy. Its Publishing segment provides newspapers and information services, such as publishing national newspapers in the United Kingdom, approximately 146 newspapers in Australia, and a metropolitan and a national newspaper in the United States; book publishing services, including the publishing of English language books worldwide; and integrated marketing services comprising the publishing of free-standing inserts, which are marketing booklets containing coupons, rebates, and other consumer offers, as well as provides in-store marketing products and services, primarily to consumer packaged goods manufacturers in the United States and Canada. The company also sells advertising, sponsorships, and subscription services on the company?s various digital media properties and outdoor advertising space on various media primarily in Russia and eastern Europe; and provides data systems and professional services that enable teachers to use data to assess student progress and deliver individualized instructions. News Corporation was founded in 1922 and is headquartered in New York, New York. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Time Warner Inc.(TWX)Time Warner Inc. operates as a media and entertainment company in the United States and internationally. It operates in three segments: Networks, Filmed Entertainment, and Publishing. The Networks segment provides domestic and international networks, premium pay and basic tier television programming services, and digital media properties, which primarily consist of brand-aligned Websites. Its premium pay television services consist of the multi-channel HBO and Cinemax premium pay television services. This segment provides programming to cable system operators, satellite service distributors, telephone companies, and other distributors; sells advertising; and licenses original programming to domestic and international television networks. The Filmed Entertainment segment produces and distributes feature films, television and other programming, and videogames; distributes home video products; and licenses rights to its feature films, television programming, and characters. T he Publishing segment publishes magazines and books; and operates various Websites, as well as engages in marketing services and direct-marketing businesses. This segment publishes magazines on style and entertainment, lifestyle, news, and sports. The company?s brands include TNT, TBS, CNN, HBO, Cinemax, Warner Bros., New Line Cinema, People, Sports Illustrated, and Time. Time Warner Inc. was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in New York, New York. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: DIRECTV(DTV)DIRECTV provides digital television entertainment in the United States and Latin America. The company provides direct-to-home (DTH) digital television services, as well as multi-channel video programming distribution services in the United States. It offers various channels of digital-quality video entertainment and CD-quality audio programming directly to subscribers' homes or businesses, as well as video-on-demand services; and approximately 160 national high-definition television channels and 4 3D channels. The company also provides premium professional and collegiate sports programming, such as the NFL SUNDAY TICKET package, which allows subscribers to view the NFL games. In addition, it offers DTH digital television services in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico. The company provides its local and international programming under the DIRECTV and SKY brand names. As of December 31, 2010, it served approximately 19.2 million subscribers in the United States; and 8.9 million subscribers in Latin America. The company was founded in 1990 and is based in El Segundo, California. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Liberty Global Inc.(LBTYA)Liberty Global, Inc. provides video, broadband Internet, and telephony services primarily in Europe and Chile. The company offers broadband services over cable distribution systems, including video, broadband Internet, and telephony; and video services through direct-to-home satellite, or through multichannel multipoint distribution systems. Its analog video services comprise basic and expanded basic programming; and digital cable services include basic and premium programming, digital video recorders, and high definition programming, as well as pay-per-view programming, such as video-on-demand and near video-on-demand. In addition, the company offers voice-over-Internet-protocol and circuit-switched telephony services, as well as mobile telephony services using third-party networks. Further, it owns programming networks that provide video programming channels to multi-channel distribution systems owned by the company and the third parties. As of December 31, 2011, the com pany owned and operated networks that passed 33,262,100 homes; and served 18,405,500 video subscribers, 8,159,300 broadband Internet subscribers, and 6,225,300 telephony subscribers. Liberty Global, Inc. was founded in 2004 and is based in Englewood, Colorado. Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: DISH Network Corporation(DISH)DISH Network Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides direct broadcast satellite (DBS) subscription television services in the United States. It offers programming that includes approximately 280 basic video channels, 60 Sirius satellite radio music channels, 30 premium movie channels, 35 regional and specialty sports channels, 2,800 local channels, 250 Latino and international channels, and 55 channels of pay-per-view content. The company also offers local HD channels in approximately 160 markets and 215 national HD channels; and receiver systems, including a small satellite dish, digital set-top receivers, and remote controls. In addition, it provides DISHOnline.com, which enables DISH Network subscribers to watch 150,000 movies, television shows, clips, and trailers; DISH Remote Access that enables subscribers to remotely manage their DVRs using compatible mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops through their broadband-connected receiver; and Go ogle TV that enables DISH Network subscribers to search the Internet, check email, interact with social media, and find additional online programming content while simultaneously watching television. As of March 31, 2011, the company had approximately 14.191 million customers. DISH Network provides receiver systems and programming through direct sales channels; and independent third parties, such as small satellite retailers, direct marketing groups, local and regional consumer electronics stores, nationwide retailers, and telecommunications companies. The company was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Englewood, Colorado. Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Discovery Communications Inc(DISCA)Discovery Communications, Inc. operates as a non fiction media and entertainment company worldwide. The company provides original and purchased programming across various distribution platforms. Its content covers science, exploration, survival, natural history, sustainability of the environment, technology, docu-series, anthropology, paleontology, history, space, archaeology, health and wellness, engineering, adventure, lifestyles, forensics, civilization, and current events. The company owns and operates nine national television networks in the United States, including Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Science Channel, Investigation Discovery, Military Channel, Planet Green, Discovery Fit & Health, and Velocity. Discovery Communications also has interests in Oprah Winfrey Network, a pay-television network and Web site; The Hub that features original programming, game shows, and live-action series and specials; and 3net, a three-dimensional network. In addition, it o ffers network branded Web sites, and mobile and video-on-demand services; and distributes various national and pan-regional television networks. Further, the company develops and sells curriculum-based products and services to public and private K-12 schools, such as access to an online VOD service that includes curriculum-based tools, professional development services, and student assessment and publication of hardcopy curriculum-based content; and postproduction audio services to motion picture studios, independent producers, broadcast networks, cable channels, advertising agencies, and interactive producers. As of December 31, 2011, it operated approximately 150 distribution feeds in 40 languages. The company is headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland. Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: CBS Corporation(CBS)CBS Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a mass media company in the United States and internationally. The company?s Entertainment segment distributes a schedule of news and public affairs broadcasts, sports, and entertainment programming; produces, acquires, and distributes programming, including series, specials, news, and public affairs; produces and distributes theatrical motion pictures across various genres; and operates online content networks for information and entertainment. Its Cable Networks segment owns and operates multiplexed channels that offers subscription program services, including recently released theatrical feature films, original series, documentaries, boxing, mixed martial arts and other sports-related programming, and special events; and CBS College Sports Network, a 24-hour cable program service related to college sports. This segment also owns and manages Smithsonian Networks, which operates Smithsonian Channel, a basic cab le service in the United States. The company?s Publishing segment publishes and distributes adult and children?s consumer books in printed, audio, and digital formats. Its Local Broadcasting segment owns 29 broadcast television stations; owns and operates 130 radio stations in 28 U.S. markets and related online properties; and owns local Websites that combine television and radio local media brands online to provide the latest news, traffic, weather, and sports information, as well as local discounts, directories, and reviews. The company?s Outdoor segment sells advertising space on various media, including billboards, transit shelters and other street furniture, buses, rail systems, mall kiosks, stadium signage, and in retail stores. CBS Corporation was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in New York, New York. Advisors' Opinion:
Top 10 Media Stocks To Buy Right Now: Comcast Corporation(CMCSA)Comcast Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides entertainment, information, and communications products and services in the United States and internationally. Its Cable Communications segment provides video, high-speed Internet, and phone services to residential and business customers. As of June 30, 2011, its cable systems served approximately 22.5 million video customers, 17.5 million high-speed Internet customers, and 9.1 million phone customers. The company?s Cable Networks segment operates cable entertainment networks, such as USA Network, Syfy, E!, Bravo, Oxygen, Style, G4, Chiller, Sleuth, and Universal HD; news and information networks, including CNBC, MSNBC, and CNBC World; cable sports networks comprising Golf Channel and VERSUS; regional sports and news networks; international entertainment, and news and information networks, such as CNBC Europe, CNBC Asia, and Universal Networks International portfolio of networks; cable television production oper ations; and digital media properties consisting primarily of brand-aligned Websites and other Websites, such as DailyCandy, Fandango, and iVillage. Its Broadcast Television segment operates the U.S. broadcast networks, NBC and Telemundo; 10 NBC and 15 Telemundo owned local television stations; broadcast television productions; and related digital media properties. The company?s Filmed Entertainment segment operates Universal Pictures, which produces, acquires, markets, and distributes filmed entertainment and stage plays worldwide in various media formats for theatrical, home entertainment, television, and other distribution platforms. Its Theme Parks segment operates Universal Studios Hollywood park and Wet ?n Wild water park, as well as licenses intellectual properties and provides services to third parties that own and operate Universal Studios Japan and Universal Studios Singapore. Comcast Corporation was founded in 1963 and is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Advisors' Opinion:
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